Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Legend of the Gullah Boo Hag

One of the great things about the South is the rich folklore woven into our history by other cultures. Particularly the Haitian and African cultures so prevalent in the slave trade. One legend in particular has captured the collective hearts of the CAPS girls; that of the "Gullah Boo Hag".

We were first introduced to this legend in Charleston, SC on a fabulous weekend of ghost hunting and hilarity. Late one night at the Piggly Wiggly (yes, those really do exist) we came across a "Gullah" cookbook that mentioned said hag.

For those unfamiliar, "Gullah" is a Creole language that was, in the recent past common to coastal South Carolina. The "Boo Hag" on the other hand is exactly as she sounds, a spirit in the form of a hideous old woman. Folks are warned to "git dat nasty 'ol Boo Hag" off their backs.

"Boo Hag" is one name for what seems to be a worldwide phenomenon. Since the dark ages, cultures around the globe report terrifying night time attacks by gruesome female monsters. Most commonly known as "Old Hag Syndrome", these experiences are now believed to stem from sleep paralysis.

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