Friday, March 6, 2009

Mexican Farmer Reportedly Captures Tiny Alien

The video above allegedly shows a tiny "alien" captured by a Mexican farmer. I don't speak Spanish, but another source tells the following tale regarding the strange carcass:

The farmer found the creature one night caught in a trap. The thing was making quite a bit of noise and the farmer decided to kill it. He threw it in a bucket of water (trap and all) and after several unsuccessful drowning attempts, decided to leave it overnight. When he returned in the morning, it was dead.

That's all I know about the thing. You can see its small size in the video and the fact that it had a tail. The farmer's description matched that of your garden variety "Gray" except for its small stature and the tail that reportedly ended in a point.

To be honest, it looks like some kind of mummified monkey. Watch the video and judge for yourself.

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