Monday, November 10, 2008

The Psychology of a Skeptic

If you've ever had a debate with a skeptic about the existence of the paranormal, you know full well that some folks have a near religious intolerance for things that lie outside proven scientific doctrine.

Not to get into a pissing match here, but I daresay that I've come across more self-described skeptics than believers who were downright fanatical about their stance.

Finally an article addresses what's really going on in the minds of hard core skeptics.

Don't get me wrong here, skepticism is a good thing. In fact, I'm leery of those who jump to paranormal conclusions without even considering a logical explanation. But logic is a two way street. It's one thing to debunk paranormal claims, it's quite another to make up outrageous (and unproven) scenarios to explain mysterious events.

Click on the post title to read the full article at the Daily Grail.

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